My Time
I love the fact that I can take photos whenever it's convenient for me. I also get to decide where, when and how long I want to take photos for. I also can get the shots I need and take less photos to save me time to go through them. This past winter I did a photography section and I took about 206 photos. I just did a section this last Friday and I only took 153 photos. I looked through the 153 photos fast than the 206 photos and I still go the same amount of photos I liked. Then today I was checking out this blog Click It Up A Notch and I happened to run around and article called Think Before You Click. I really liked the article and it was very helpful.Unique
Being a photographer, makes me unique because my photos are different than other photographers. Every photographer is unique, every one has their own style and way they like to take their photos. Just like every photographer likes to take photos of different subjects. Some people also like a dark themes over a lighter theme. Editing is a big factor too. I don't like to do a lot of editing on my photos.Relaxing
Photography is very calming for me. The job I have now is very demanding and can be stress but when I take photos, I feel like I'm at home. When I go take photos of nature, I like to go somewhere quiet and take photos while enjoying the sounds and view of the nature. When I take photos of people, I feel relaxed because I am confident that I will do a good job and they will love the photos.