Wednesday, May 22, 2019

My DIY camera bag

As many of you know, I got a new camera lens. Well the camera lens doesn't fit in my camera bag with my other camera equipment, so I decided it was time for a new camera bag. I looked around online for a new camera bag and they cost more than what I want to spend right now. I also wanted the camera bag to be cute.  
Link for this camera bag
Then I went on pinterest and looked up DIY camera bag. I got ideas for what I wanted to do and how it should be done. At first I was hesitant on whether to do it or not. Then I was like just do it, the worst that could happen is it wouldn't look right and I would just start over. It took me 3 days to do it, mainly because I only had about an hour 1 or 2 between school and work to do it. This is the end result and I am actually really proud of it. I probably spent no more than $30 on it.

Bag I bought at Walmart

The inside of the bag after I finished it.

In the back, where you can't see very well is my camera body and new lens. Camera body is on the right (you can see my polka dotted camera strap) and my new lens is on the left.

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